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Gardening with Bonne Maman

As the days start to lengthen…

…and the sun makes a tentative appearance, it’s time to head out into the garden and tidy up after the winter.

Now you can actually see the soil for the leaves, you can start to think about planting for the summer, tying in your climbers and perhaps cutting some daffodils for the kitchen table.

Bonne Maman jars have so many uses in the garden. Why not pierce a hole in the lid of a conserve jar to use as a string dispenser? The jars are also the perfect size and shape for potting hyacinths to give your home a sweet and fresh fragrance.

“Pierce a hole in the lid of an empty conserve jar to use as a string dispenser.”

You can also use your empty jars for storing plant labels, seed packets, small bulbs and the myriad other bits and bobs you need to make your garden really spring into action.

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